Aftermarket, JBL, Rear Pole Spear Plug, Rubber Adapter, ANTI-FLOOD device
Price : $14.80 |
Part designed for divers who bought a JBL travel pole spear and are tired of the Rear section filling with WATER and slowing your speed down.
Anodized Aluminum, 3/4" OD , 11/16"-16 Thread.
The last picture is the ORIGINAL JBL part that has a hole down the center for the rubber to attach and also allows water in to increase the mass of the pole.
Verify that this is the actual model from JBL that you have.
This Part REPLACES the JBL part below
Reference Information Below, LingHunt Does not make nor supply parts to repair this pole.
The other versions of the JBL poles can be fixed with a wine cork. add some Epoxy / glue or fill with construction foam.
Same technique for the MAKO / IST or CRESSI Poles too.
LingHunt DOES NOT Make this Part for Reference Only. There is another version out there with a taper I think, It might be a Voit Pole |
BELOW is a Glue / Cork Plug repair / Closed Cell Foam |
Note the added electrical tape below the cordage
Reference Pictures ONLY LINGHUNT Doesn't make Hardware for this Pole repair |